The Writtle Surgery


Antenatal Care

The GPs see patients for antenatal care during surgery times.


Regular check-ups and advice from practice nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication during surgery times.


Annual full diabetes check up by invitation during surgery times.

Repeat prescription

The opening hours for this facility are Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm

Social Prescribing Clinic

Please speak to a receptionist to book an appointment.

Health Visitor

Our Health Visitor holds baby clinics at Longmeads House. For further information contact Melbourne Clinic on 318700.

Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10am-12pm

Smoking Cessation

Assistance with stopping smoking.

Time: By making an appointment with the nurses


Routine vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses.

We run a flu jab clinic in September each year.The exact dates are usually well publicised at reception.

Time: By making an appointment with the nurses

Travel Vaccinations

We have taken the decision due to being resource stretched to only offer NHS vaccines. If you are travelling abroad you must book your travel appointment at least 6 weeks beforehand. A full travel risk assessment is undertaken and advice given for the given destination along with discussion of all vaccines recommended and malaria chemoprophylaxis.

For complex travel or those with complex medical history this may also include advice on some of the private vaccines. It is your responsibility as the patient to attend a private clinic for any recommended private vaccinations.
The following vaccinations are provided on the NHS as such diseases are highly infectious if brought back to the UK from abroad. It was therefore decided to provide them as a public health need.

For travel, hepatitis A (all doses and in whatever presentation), typhoid, cholera and polio (which is only available combined with tetanus and diphtheria)

Please ensure you complete your travel risk assessment before booking your appointment.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 9th August, 2023